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Friday, April 2, 2010

Learn How to Improve Your Golf Game

I was out on the golf course this past week and happen to speak to a man that I see every week and who has a great game. I asked him his secret and you will not believe what he said.
Enlarge ImageMany of us desire to have a better golf game which is why we all spend an arm and a leg on products and services that are supposed to do just that. The thing is that though many of these items and services work very well there are a lot of things that we can do to improve our game for no money at all. That sounds impossible but according to a very good golfer that I speak to regularly it is not only possible but pretty easy to do.

As I said, I was on the course this past week and sat down and spoke to a fellow golfer that I see often and who has a great game. I decided not to beat around the bush and just directly ask him what in the world his secret is to his great game. What he told me amazed me and I am sure that it will amaze you too. He said the secret to a great game is physical fitness. I bet you are asking yourself how in the world that is possible, well I will tell you what he said.

He began by explaining something that is obvious but nobody ever thinks about. The professional golfers do not just get out of their car on tournament days and grab their clubs and wander onto the course. These men and women spend countless hours honing their craft and a big portion of their regimen is physical fitness. The reasoning is simple, the more fit and flexible your muscles are the more likely they will be able to bend into the appropriate positions and once in those positions they will be able to exert a huge amount of energy to the ball.

The game of golf is a physically demanding sport. Though a large amount of people do not realize that since they show up to the course with a case of beer and bags of chips, the game does take strength and flexibility to achieve greatness. This is not to say that large or strong muscles are all you need to be a good player but it is one more weapon in your arsenal. The other detail to remember when getting into the right shape for golfing is that the right muscles need to be trained. Motion specific muscles should be trained in order to maximize your ability to hit the ball strong and accurately. There are a number of ways to go about this but before starting any sort of physical fitness or training regimen be sure to consult a physician so that you get a good idea of where to begin and how intense to train.

Take a lesson from the professional golfers and the talented amateur ones too and get into better shape. You will shortly see that your game will improve leaps and bounds beyond where you ever thought possible. There is absolutely no substitute for golf training accuracy but strength and technique will take you far.
By Jason M

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