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Saturday, December 15, 2007


Hypertension is a silent killer. It is a disease of the modern age. It is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries. It is a dangerous disease because it makes the heart to work harder than necessary, pumping blood to the various parts of he body, hereby contributing to hardening of he arteries and o he increasing risk of hear disease and stroke.

The first symptom may appear as a pain at the back of the head and neck on waking up in the morning.
Other symptoms are dizziness, palpitation and pain in the heart region; frequent urination, nervous tension, fatigue, breathing difficulty, headaches, nausea, confusion and visual disturbances.

The fast pace of modern life coupled with the mental and physical stresses by he metropolitan environments are all responsible for the rise of this ailment.
· The main causes are stress and a faulty life style;
· Smoking and taking of intoxicants, tea, coffee and refined foods impact on the natural pace of life and thereby prevent the expulsion of waste and toxic matters from the body;
· An excessive aking of common table salt and the consumption of high fat and low fiber die are other causes.


Using Garlic
Garlic is regarded as an effective means of lowering blood pressure. It is said o reduce the spasms of he small arteries and also slows down the pulse rate. It also modifies the heart rhythm and relives the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath and the formation of gas within the digestive tract. Taking three raw gloves daily is highly beneficial.

Using Lemon
Lemon is also a veritable food to control high blood pressure. It helps in preventing capillary fragility.

Using Grape Fruit
It is useful in preventing high blood pressure. It helps in toning up the arteries;

Using Water Melon
It is another valuable safeguard against high blood pressure. It helps in dilating the blood vessels, which results in the lowering of the blood pressure. The seeds dried and roasted should be taken liberally.

Using Rice
Rice is low fat, low cholesterol and low salt content food, which is perfect for hypertensive people. The calcium in brown rice is said to soothe he nervous system which helps to relive he symptoms of high blood pressure.

Using Potato
Boiled potatoes are valuable food for lowering blood pressure. They are useful addition to a salt-free diet. They are rich in potassium and the magnesium content helps in lowering blood pressure;

Using Parsley
Parsley is very useful. It contains elements that help in maintaining the blood pressure the blood vessels particularly the capillaries;

Recommended Diet
A diet of raw vegetable juices like carrot and spinach juices taken separately or combined, daily are beneficial in treating high blood pressure. If taken separately, one glass each should be taken twice daily but if combined, half a litre is recommended once daily.
A well balanced diet should be adopted with regular exercise and proper rest.

Diet To Be Avoided
In take of protein should be reduced, while salt, meat and eggs, which contribute to the rise in blood pressure, should be avoided. A natural diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetable helps in getting rid of he toxins in the body.

Other Measures
Strains, Worries, Tension, Anger and Waste should be avoided while developing a calm, cheerful attitude with a contended frame of mind.


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose and either insufficient or ineffective insulin in the body. Insulin is a hormone secreted by cells in the pancreas in response to(among other things) increased blood glucose concentration. The primary role of insulin is to control the transportation of glucose from the blood stream into he cells and helps to maintain blood glucose within normal limits. In diabetes too much glucose remains in the blood instead of going into he cells.

There are two types of Diabetes:-
1. The type I called juvenile on-set diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes;
2. Type II called the Adult on-set diabetes, non-insulin dependent or maturity on-set diabetes.

The symptoms of Type I are:-
Frequent Urination;
Unusual Thirst;
Extreme Hunger;
Extreme Fatigue;
Weight Loss;
Sugar in Urine.

The symptoms of Type II are:-
Any of type I symptoms;
Frequent infections;
Blurred Vision;
Poor Wound Healing;
Tingling, Numbness or Burning sensation in he hands or fee;
Sexual Impotence in men
It has been described as a prosperity disease because it is primarily caused by over-eating and consequent obesity. It should be noted that overeating sugar and refined carbohydrate are harmful, so also proteins excessive intake of and fats, which are transformed into sugar, which may result in diabetes.
Other causes are grief, worry and anxiety, which have deep influence on the metabolism, causing sugar to appear in the urine. When insulin is not present or the body is not using it properly, the glucose cannot enter the cells but stays in the blood stream leading to hyperglycemia or excess sugar in the blood.


Using GNLD Formula (supplements)
4x3 Fibre tablets with lots of water;
2 tables Thermogani Enhancer;
2 Scoops protein power;
2 Flavoid (avoid intake of refined carbohydrate);
1x2 Beta guard.

Using Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a highly beneficial diet for a diabetic.
Taking three grapefruits thrice daily is recommended;

Using Mango Leaves
An infusion of ender mango leaves in water kept overnight and squeeze out and taken in the morning is good for diabetes at he early stage. Also he leave can be dried under room temperature and ground into powder and used as tea, taking half teaspoonful twice daily;

Using Bitter Lemon
Using fresh juice or extract of the unripe fruit is found to be highly beneficial. It has a good blood sugar lowering property;

Using Acha Grains
Also acha,a local grain like millet, but smaller, has been proved o be highly potent in the treatment of diabetes. The grain can be cooked alone or with beans and eaten. It may also be ground into powder and prepared as morsel or pastry like pap;

Using Vegetables
Taking vegetables like string beans, onions, garlic and cucumber is a very valuable home remedy for diabetes;

Using curry leaves
Eating about 10 fresh fully-grown curry leaves every morning, say for about three months, will prevent diabetes due to hereditary factors or due to obesity.

Recommended Diet
He diabetic diet should be strict lacto-vegearian,low-calories,low-fat,alkaline of high quality should also include whole grains,fruits,nut and vegetable.
Emphasis should be on raw foods because such stimulate the pancreas thereby increasing insulin production.

Other Measures
Preventive Care
He best way to prevent diabetes is to live a healthy life style:-
Eat meals regularly during he day;
Eat foods hat are low in fat;
Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and pulse such as beans, lentils and peas;
avoid consumption of sugar and cut down on sugary foods and drinks;
Exercise is also a very essential fact in the treatment of diabetes. It helps in reducing the weight and in controlling stress and blood sugar level.


Say what is making this man extremely sad
What could be the reason for this
We do not know butLet him
Try an alternative solution
Definitely he should be able to get
Permanent solution to his problems